Long time no blog. Since I'm too excited, I'm gonna go straight to the point.
So, I finally got to watch Iron Man 3, in IMAX! The theater at the mall near my house just opened an IMAX studio! I've never watch moviex in IMAX before, because there was only one in my country and it's a bit far. Behold!
What is IMAX? It stands for Image MAXimum, created by a Canadian company. It can display images in greater size and resolution compared to the conventional ones. Also, the screen is not flat, it's curved; which supposedly help if you're watching from anywhere but the center.
The theater itself is also different with your usual movie theater, it was more steep, like an amphitheater. It is also bigger, wider. Conclusion, it is waaayyyy cool.
I watched Iron Man in IMAX 3D and it was awesome! My jaw literally dropped. The sound, the super clear images, the shrapnel that almost hit my face (read: cool 3D effect)... All in all, for those of you who haven't got the chance to watch a movie in an IMAX theater, please do so. It's quite an experience. It IS quite expensive, but hey, you're not gonna get it at home.
I mean, you can substitute movies in theaters with home cinema, or the cheaper substitute, movies in bed with your lamps turned off. BUT, this IMAX thing.. won't happen at home! Unless you're filthy rich and can build your own IMAX studio. And since most of us are not like that, it's better to save money and watch one movie you really like in IMAX!
Happy watching!
P.S. Iron Man is so cool. I can't believe Robert Downey Jr. isn't going to play in Avengers 2. Is it finalized, though? Anyone knows?
Things To Do in Hakone
5 years ago
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